El objetivo de esta investigación tiene como fin contribuir en el
conocimiento del DECRETO SUPREMO N° 004-2019-MIMP que módica
en gran parte el reglamento de la Ley N°30364 ,cuyo objetivo es proteger
a la mujer para poder prevenir, sancionar y erradicar toda forma de
violencia producida en el ámbito público o privado contra las mujeres
por su condición de tales, contra los integrantes del grupo familiar, y por
ende las demás modificaciones en las normas a partir de esta, donde
luchan por la protección de las personas que se encuentren en estado de
vulnerabilidad, que de esta forma se garantice a las mismas que el
ejercicio pleno de sus derechos, ante un juez de acuerdo a las leyes y la
constitución (inciso 1 del artículo 2 de la Constitución Política del Estado:
Consagra que toda persona tiene derecho a su integridad moral, psíquica
y física), estableciendo así mismo que nadie debe ser víctima de
violencia moral, física o psíquica, conforme al párrafo “H” del inciso 24 de
la Carta Magna.
The purpose of my research is to contribute to the knowledge of law and the
academic debate that characterizes the legal community. The factors associated
with the application of regulation of the law 30364 and other modifications.
Actually, they are not effective, to prevent, eradicate and punish all forms of
violence produced in the public or private sphere against women and members
of the family group. In this work, it must be determined if the Social and cultural
factors influence the increase in judicial processes of family violence due to low
levels of education. Third: It is prove that the influence of the legal factor in the
increase of judicial processes of family violence occurs to a lesser degree and
due to ignorance of the legal norms.
Here we have to take into account the factors associated with the application of
Law No. 30364, economic and technological, demographic and educational
forecast is relate by 20%, which indicates a significant relationship with respect
to the level of application of Law N ° 30364.
In the present work we develop the research problem, describe the problem, the
objectives, the formulation, justification, the theoretical framework, their rights, as
well paragraph 1) of article 2 of the Political Constitution of the State in
accordance to paragraph "H" of clause 24 of the Magna Carta, and the
conclusions, recommendations.